Drawing Using Adobe Sketch and Clip2Comic Maker

Very brief demonstration on how Upanog used Adobe Sketch to draw the caricature of The Three Blind Project Managers and The Elephant. 

Upon completing the drawing and capturing the time-lapse video, he converted the same to Clip2Comic and Caricature Maker to see what it does to the rendered video. The result was an improvement from the previous. In short, he was quite satisfied. You can try it yourself. There are many ways of approaching the secondary rendering process. Let us know what happened. Good luck!

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Autumn, a time for reflection…

Today’s reflection…
It’s been a month in Autumn, the air is crisp, and the temperature outside is in single digit. I looked out the window towards our backyard. The leaves of our aspen trees have turned golden yellow. In a couple or so weeks, they’d all be turning bright orange, then brown, and eventually fall. 

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