How to Draw an Original Illustration Using an Existing Drawing as Template

A brief demonstration on how Upanog used Adobe Sketch to draw using an existing drawing as template. He showed that one can create an original sketch although the drawing was inspired by another illustration. If you are a beginner, you can try it yourself. It will help you practice your arts in a big way! Let us know what happen. Good luck!

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Drawing Using Adobe Sketch and Clip2Comic Maker

Very brief demonstration on how Upanog used Adobe Sketch to draw the caricature of The Three Blind Project Managers and The Elephant. 

Upon completing the drawing and capturing the time-lapse video, he converted the same to Clip2Comic and Caricature Maker to see what it does to the rendered video. The result was an improvement from the previous. In short, he was quite satisfied. You can try it yourself. There are many ways of approaching the secondary rendering process. Let us know what happened. Good luck!

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Autumn, a time for reflection…

Today’s reflection…
It’s been a month in Autumn, the air is crisp, and the temperature outside is in single digit. I looked out the window towards our backyard. The leaves of our aspen trees have turned golden yellow. In a couple or so weeks, they’d all be turning bright orange, then brown, and eventually fall. 

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To all Good Dads, Happy Father’s Day!

The greatest gift a father can give to his children is to love and respect their mother (Hesburgh, T., 1917-2015). The greatest gift a married wife can give to the father of her children is to take good care of his children, loyalty and being true to her vows. The best way to honour a good father is through respect and obedience.

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Beautiful Relaxing Calming Comforting Sounds and Sights of Incredible Mountains, Valleys, & Hills

The mountains, hills, canyons, and valleys we have not climbed are grand edifices many can only imagine. Through our videos, we can soar above, climb and appreciate the

I read somewhere a tiny excerpt from someone like you and me that mountains were considered the select’s holy home. The more massive mountains are, the more humbling we feel.

Try it! Watch and listen to the calming sounds of meditative music, so only happiness and contentment remain.

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Relaxing Sounds and Sights of Magnificent and Colorful Birds in their Air Kingdom

Welcome to KATHAKO Relaxing, Comforting, Calming Nature Videography! Magnificent birds of all kinds walk and soar over land and seas…

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Relaxing Walk, Enchanted Forest, Comforting Music, Magnificent Lights & Shadows, will give you Rest

Welcome to KATHAKO Relaxing, Comforting, Calming Nature Videography!
Can you imagine walking into and through a magical forest of sounds and colors, alone or with the one you love? With the soothing music floating in the air, you’ll feel one with nature most serenely. Whatever it is that went wrong during the day is suddenly gone! Only happiness and a feeling of contentment remain.

Our videos and sounds help you cope with the stress of your day, and our prayer is that you get that much-needed comfort and rest as you relax the time away watching our videos and listening to our music.

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Relaxing, Calming. Comforting Music, with Nature, Waterfalls, Rivers, Streams, Meditation Sounds

Our channel features one of the best concepts from across YouTube. Join us to explore our fascinating forests and beautiful nature collections. First, see what nature can do for you by watching these videos, then proceed to go there in person. There is scientific proof about the healing effects of connecting with nature. With every stressful day, our overworked minds and bodies, appreciating nature can yield excellent results.

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Christmas Day Reflection : “It’s about God, Families and Friends.”

It is my prayer that many of you will be spending some great time with your respective close families and friends. In all the upcoming festive gatherings, make sure you don’t forget the grandparents who started you all! They are very much a part of each family unit that came to be. They’d be thrilled with even just a call from their kids and of course, from their loveable, innocent and amazing grandchildren.

n this challenging time of the pandemic, togetherness can be expressed in many ways. To those belonging in the same household, it’s your chance to savor the closeness that many can’t enjoy and few can boast of.

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In this challenging time…a reminder!

11 Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. 12 It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. 13 And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people.

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