Children’s books just in time for Christmas are a nice gift for children of reading age.
Grace, The Guardian Angel is a simple but powerful children’s story about patience, faith, hope, love, and kindness.
Eva, my eldest granddaughter, inspired the character Grace through one of her drawings. She was six years old when she designed Grace. Mia, Eva’s younger sister, created the Mom in the story. Their initial idea gave me the energy to write, illustrate, and publish this book. I hope kids all over the world will like Grace. This book is a collaboration between grandkids and their Lolo (grandfather).

The story revolves around two baby sisters, Olivia and Bella, and their perception of family love and material things. The book also touches on parental and elderly respect, God’s sixth commandment. An excellent read for children. A story with important moral lessons.

Both Kindle E-book and the Paperback are now live in the Amazon store. Please share the links with friends and people you know. Check it out! Here are the hyperlinks.
1) Paperback-Grace, The Guardian Angel
2) Kindle E book-Grace, The Guardian Angel
While I spent much time writing project controls and risk-based management books, illustrating and developing this book for children gives me a distinct feeling of satisfaction.
The first to critique my work was my two granddaughters. Believe me, they’re excellent at providing their views. They have started reading very young, and even then, we’re amazingly perceptive. For example, Eva commented why I drew the characters without noses and ears. Mia smartly added, “They do not even look human! How can they breathe?”
I initially designed my cartoon characters without ears and noses, the first style I thought I’d use. Well, that ended soon enough. They were delighted when I showed them the changes I had made. Nodding and smiling in approval when they saw the nose and ears, they appreciated the new sketches.
“Ha ha ha,” I could not help but laugh mightily.
Thinking that the tests were finished, the five and six years old asked me,
“How come they can speak if they are still babies?”
I looked at both of them in the eyes and asked, “How did you know they’re babies?”
“Look! They’re wearing diapers! Babies wear diapers…”
I was laughing inside. “So wise! “I thought. Next, me explaining to them that babies can communicate with each other and Grace, their guardian angel. I was not sure if I convinced them, though.
What an experience!
#kathako #upanog #gracetheguardianangel #kathakoblogs #angels #childrensbookillustration #childrensbooks
About the Author
Rufran C. Frago is the Founder of PM Solution Pro, a Calgary consulting, product, and training services firm focusing on project and business management solutions. He is passionate about providing advice, mentorship, education, and training through consultation, collaboration, and what he uniquely calls student-led training.
Rufran’s creative pursuits include literary writings and arts. He uses the pen name UPANOG to sign his illustrations and paintings. He is a self-learned author, satirist, illustrator, cartoonist, editor, poet, artist, portraitist, 2d/3d modeler, and designer.